A comprehensive and holistic platform for
TCM composition identification(Holmes-Suite) and network pharmacology analysis(Watson-Suite)
Example Formula:
Hu Gan Pills护肝丸
Pengshuo Yang, Jidong Lang, Hongjun Li, Jinxiang Lu, Hanyang Lin, Geng Tian, Hong Bai, Jialiang Yang, and Kang Ning. 2022. “ TCM-Suite: A comprehensive and holistic platform for Traditional Chinese Medicine component identification and network pharmacology analysis.” iMeta. e47. |
1. | Runzhi Zhang1,Gao Xi1, Hong Bai*, Kang Ning*. Traditional Chinese Medicine and gut microbiome: Their respective and concert effects on healthcare. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020;11:538. |
2. | Hong Bai, Xianhong Li, Hongjun Li, Jialiang Yang, Kang Ning*. Biological ingredient complement chemical ingredient in assessment of quality of TCM preparations. Scientific Reports, 2019 Apr 10;9(1):5853. |
3. | Runzhi Zhang, Xue Zhu, Hong Bai*, Kang Ning*. Network pharmacology Databases for Traditional Chinese Medicine: Review and Assessment. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019 Feb 21;10:123. |
4. | Run-zhi Zhang, Shao-jun Yu, Hong Bai*, Kang Ning*. TCM-Mesh: The database and analytical system for network pharmacology analysis for TCM preparations. Sientific reports, 2017 Jun 6;7(1):2821. |